Sean Was Here

discoverable installation for Google Earth
2 square miles
Gainesville, FL, 2011

Photographs of residential houses were taken in the Duckpond area of Gainesville, FL (slightly Northeast of downtown). Each photograph was uploaded to the Google Earth database of street level pictures and virtually pinpointed on satellite images of the Duckpond area corresponding to the place where the photograph was taken. Over 180 photographs were taken and organized such that when they appear in Google Earth they spell (using Google Earth photo icons), “SEAn wAS HERE.” Photographs of houses were used for two reasons: first, Google rejected photographs that were not "of" something— a clear recognizable object; second, the houses in that area are relatively evenly spaced, which allowed for the icons (when placed over the satellite images of Google Earth) to also appear evenly spaced and helped to reinforce the legibility of each word.