ConvergentArray (SuperCollider 3.6.6)

Contains: Flexible object implementation of convergence (and divergence) of set Sequenceable pattern wrapper for multiple instances of ConvergentArray Hierarchical implementation of convergence of set to generate patterned temporal regularities Random selection object implementing statistical feedback (dependency, see below)

[plus corresponding Helpfiles for each]

ConvergentArray is a collection of SuperCollider Extensions implementing a convergence of set algorithim in flexible and hierarchical ways. SFRand (described below) is also included as a dependency.

To install, just place the .sc and .schelp files in your SC search path. For example: 
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/HelpSource/[*.schelp files]
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/Classes/[*.sc files]

SFRand (contains classfile and SFRand.html helpfile)

SFRand is a random selection object with statistical feedback for SuperCollider 3. This is an SC3 implementation of the algorithm described in: Polansky, Barnett, & Winter. "A Few More Words about James Tenney: Dissonant Counterpoint and Statistical Feedback" (2009).

To install, just place the .sc and .html file in your SC search path. For example: 
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/HelpSource/SFRand.html
~/Library/Application\ Support/SuperCollider/Extensions/Classes/