Leave No Trace

fixed media, stereo
Denver, CO, 2017
I often think about Thierry de Duve's claim that contemporary sculpture "is an attempt to reconstruct the notion of site from the standpoint of having acknowledged its disappearance"- an insight that echoes and reinforces Robert Smithson's observation that the site of all in situ art is a 'non-site'. We are currently undergoing such drastic ecological change that the disappearance of site is no longer conceptual or speculative, but rather phenomenological. As someone who lives in a city and travels into the wilderness to hike, camp, and fish on most weekends, my repetitious behavior cultivates a sensitivity to the fuzzy boundary between environmental stewardship and the signifiers of the unnatural. Following that idea so central to Deleuze's thought, "repetition can always be 'represented' as extreme resemblance or perfect equivalence, but the fact that one can pass by degrees from one thing to another does not prevent their being different in kind." None of the sounds used in this piece come from environmental recordings; a fact that doesn't prevent the piece from being listened to as if all the sounds were.